Compact Mobile Food Operations
On September 23, 2022, Governor Newsom signed SB 972, a bill that modifies the California Retail Food Code and allows some sidewalk food vendors to obtain public health permits. The new law established a new retail food facility, among other changes, and is effective on January 1, 2023.
The new type of mobile food facility is called a Compact Mobile Food Operation (CMFO), and is defined as a non-motorized push-cart, stand, rack, or display with or without wheels, pedal-driven cart, wagon, or showcase.
CMFO Requirements 
- Health permit required*
- Commissary required when handling potentially hazardous food and unpackaged food
- Warewashing and Handwashing equipment are required for handling unpackaged food
- Food Handler Cards required
- Potentially hazardous food prepared at an approved facility and served from a CMFO shall be destroyed at the end of the operating day
- Routine inspections required*
- Permit fees may apply
*Exemptions: Health permits and routine inspections are not required for CMFOs that have less than 25 square feet of display space AND sell only non-potentially hazardous prepackaged food or whole, uncut produce. CMFO Permit Exemption Requirements, Spanish - Posted 6/20/2023
You can read SB 972 as approved.
Effective January 1, 2023, California Retail Food Code (CRFC) was amended to promote economic inclusion while modernizing the CRFC so that food vendors can obtain a health permit and join the regulated vending economy. The law established a new definition for Compact Mobile Food Operations (CMFO) and criteria for permitting.
Compact Mobile Food Frequently Asked Questions
Mobile Food Facility
The phrase Mobile Food Facility (MFF) refers to several different types of vehicles that food is sold from. Some examples include:
- Food truck
- Ice cream vans
- Hot dog carts
- Produce trucks
Coffee cart
All MFF are required to have a valid permit sticker at all times for the county where food is being sold.
To obtain a permit, the vehicle must
meet applicable California Retail Food Code requirements commencing with section 114294, submit a commissary verification form, complete an application, pay the annual permit fee, and pass an inspection.
How to Obtain a Mobile Food Facility Permit – This presentation will guide you through the permitting process to prepare and/or sell food from a mobile truck/vehicle. It will include structural requirements, define different types of mobile permits, what paperwork is required, the application process, fees, inspections and how to comply with California Retail Food Code.
must pass inspection every year
to maintain a current permit sticker.
Please Note: Vehicles that do not pass on the first inspection may be required to pay a reinspection fee for additional inspections.
INSPECTION APPOINTMENT REQUIREDAll permitting inspections for MFF are conducted by appointment only. Please call 916-875-8440 to schedule an appointment.
Information about scheduling and preparing for a food truck inspection.
Mobile Food Facility Frequently Asked Questions
Mobile Food Facility Plan Review
NEW: Effective July 1, 2021 all MFF applying for a new category (D) permit with the County of Sacramento must either show proof that they have been previously permitted in another county within the State of California or submit a complete set of plans to our department for review and approval prior to the issuance of the permit.
NOTE: For new construction or major remodel of an existing MFF, the MFF owner/operator shall submit a complete set of plans to our department for review and approval prior to beginning the construction or remodel.
Please contact EMD EH plan review at (916) 874-6010 or email: with any mobile food facility category "D" questions.
Mobile Food Facility Fees
For a current list of fees, please refer to the current
Fee Schedule
Specialists are available to answer questions and conduct inspections Mon-Fri from 8a.m. – 10a.m. at the EMD (916) 875-8440. Please see
Mobile Food Facility Forms & Documents for further guidance.