Updated for 2024
The Sacramento County Environmental Management Department’s Environmental Health Division has issued 604 Awards of Excellence in Food Safety for 2024, which recognize operators of food establishments in Sacramento County who have exhibited excellent food safety and sanitation standards during their recent routine inspections.
Food establishments who qualify for this award are given a certificate that may be posted at their establishment signifying their accomplishment. (see sample certificate, below.)
Food establishments eligible for this award include restaurants, schools, coffee shops, delis, retail markets, bars and bakeries. The Awards are given each county fiscal year (July 1 through June 30.)
Complete list of recipients for 2022 sorted by Business Name
Frequently Asked Questions about the Award of Excellence in Food Safety
Q01. How do I qualify for an Award of Excellence in Food Safety?
A01. To qualify for an Award of Excellence, facilities must meet the listed criteria during the period of eligibility:
EH Food Facility AOE Recipient List 2023.pdf

- The period of eligibility includes the time period prior to June 30, 2024 when the last three routine unannounced inspections were conducted. Re-inspections are not considered as routine inspections. Facilities must also be in operation during these inspections to qualify for an award.
- Facilities must be currently open for business (active) and have a valid Environmental Health permit.
- Facilities must have had no Major Violations during the period of eligibility (last three routine inspections).
In addition, each category has specific criteria which must be met in order to merit an Award of Excellence in Food Safety. Food facilities that are classified in the Full Food Preparation category: such as Restaurants, Restaurant/Bars or Full Prep Bakeries, have met the following additional criterion to qualify for the Award of Excellence:
- No more than three (3) minor violations during any single inspection of the last three (3) regular inspections.
Food facilities that are classified as Bakery-No Preparation, Food Preparation Establishments (a.k.a. Food Preparation without Hood) or Bars (the Limited Food Preparation category) have met the following additional criterion to qualify for the Award of Excellence:
- No more than two (2) minor violations during any single inspection of the last three (3) regular inspections.
Food facilities that are classified as Medium and Large Markets (the Retail Market category) must have met the following additional criterion to qualify for the Award of Excellence:
- No more than one (1) minor violation during any single inspection of the last three (3) regular inspections.
Food facilities that are classified as Schools or Senior Meal Programs or Licensed Health Care Facilities (does not include schools categorized as satellites) must have met the following additional criterion to qualify for the Award of Excellence:
- No more than one (1) minor violation during any single inspection of the last three (3) regular inspections.
Q02. What is a major violation?
A02. See
Major Violation definition
Q03. What is a minor violation?
A03. See
Minor Violation definition
Q04. How will I know if my establishment is getting an Award?
A04. After review, tabulation and verification of inspection results from the eligibility period, each recipient will receive written notification of their Award with the certificate enclosed. Awards for 2021-2022 were mailed on September 27, 2022.
Additional Information
For additional information or if you have comments about the Food Protection Program or the Award of Excellence in Food Safety program please contact EMD at the address below:
Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Health Division
11080 White Rock Road, Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 875-8440