Body Art

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 Tattooing, Permanent Cosmetics, Piercing and Branding

The Safe Body Art Act regulates tattooing, permanent cosmetics, branding, and piercing. This law requires all body art practitioners to annually register with the County and work from an approved and inspected facility. Temporary body art events and mechanical ear piercing businesses are also regulated by the Safe Body Art Act.

How to Obtain a Body Art Permit

This Powerpoint presentation will guide you through the Body Art permit process​. This permit covers tattooing, permanent cosmetics, branding, and piercing. It explains what paperwork is required, when to submit plans, types of permits and how to comply with the Safe Body Art Act to pass an inspection. ​All body art facility owners must submit plans and fees for plan review prior to opening, moving, or undergoing a remodel at your facility. Permits are not transferable to new locations.

 Body Art Complaints

Complaints​​ about Body Art facilities or practitioners in Sacramento County can be submitted through the following methods:


The Environmental Management Department charges fees for Body Art facility inspections and practitioner registration and inspections, as well as for new facility and remodel plan review. For the current fees for the Body Art program please visit the ​Environmental Health Body Art Program fee schedule​.


For additional information or if you have comments about the Body Art Inspection Program, please contact EMD at the address below:

Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Health Division
11080 White Rock Rd., Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

916-875-8513 (fax)