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The Cross Connection Control Program is responsible for oversight of the tracking and notification of Point of Service (external) backflow protection devices in Sacramento County, pursuant to Chapter 6.30 of the Sacramento County Code and sections of the California Health and Safety Code. The purpose of a backflow device is to protect the public health by preventing the flow of any unwanted material back into the Public Drinking Water systems.
This includes devices such as backflow prevention assemblies for fire systems, irrigation applications and commercial buildings. Any external backflow device that is required to be installed is required to be tested annually. A list of certified backflow testers is provided below for your reference.
Environmental Management's online cross-connection program web portal allows testers to maintain their annual registration and submit backflow assembly test results, electronically. More information on the portal is available from EMD quick links.
Cross Connection Program Staff:
- Certified Issue annual notification letters for testing of backflow prevention devices.
- Maintain a database that includes information on backflow devices in Sacramento County.
- Maintain a list of certified testers registered to perform annual testing of backflow prevention devices.
- Conduct cross connection site surveys in collaboration with water agencies
Cross Connection Program forms & documents:
Approved Backflow Prevention Assembly Lists:
The approved list of backflow prevention assemblies is available from the University of Southern California’s Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research website located at
For questions or concerns please email or call 916-875-0083.
For more program information, please contact:
Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Compliance Division
11080 White Rock Rd., Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-875-8513 (fax)