Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
When a child is identified as having a high blood lead level, investigators with the Environmental Health Division work closely with the Sacramento County Department of Health and Human Services and the child's family to identify and remove the cause of the lead poisoning.
This program also provides education and outreach to other agencies and the public.
Lead Illness Prevention Related Links:
Lead Hazard Complaint Reporting
Tips, complaints, and referrals from the public are important sources for the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) and can help identify violations of law or regulation.
How to File a Complaint
Lead Hazard(s) Complaints
Obtain your local contact information by viewing California Department of Public Health
Lead Hazard Complaint Contact
Contact 3-1-1.
Renovation and Real Estate Lead Disclosure Complaints
Go to the US EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule website to submit a tip and complaint.
- Workplace Safety or Health Hazards
Go to the Cal/OS HA webpage for more information on how to submit a complaint.
To report a violation concerning work being conducted by a lead-related construction professional (i.e., individuals certified by CDPH to perform lead inspections or lead abatement in California) or a CDPH Accredited Training Provider, choose one of the following:
Email the CLPPB Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) team at . The E&C team will receive the information during regular business hours and will follow up if there are any additional questions.
Call the CLPPB Enforcement and Compliance (E&C) team at 510-620-5600.
For more information on the Lead Illness Prevention program, please contact:
Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Health Division
11080 White Rock Rd., Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-875-8513 (fax)