An RMP is required when a facility uses a regulated substance in excess of the CalARP threshold quantity. An RMP must be completed and submitted to the Sacramento County Environmental Compliance Division, the Administering Agency for the CalARP Program, in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code, Division 20, Chapter 6.95, Article 2 and the California Code of Regulation (CCR) Title 19 Division 2, Chapter 4.5, Articles 1 through 11.
- The RMP summarizes the facility’s accidental release prevention program implementation activities, including: Maintenance, Hazard Review, Operating Procedures, Training, Off-site Consequence Analysis, Incident Investigation, Emergency Response Program, and Compliance Audit.
- The following guidance documents describe the required level of documentation for an RMP to comply with the regulations:
- Please complete the applicable Prevention Program Data Elements table(s) corresponding with your program level(s).
- Please complete the applicable off-site consequence analysis tables.
- For the Off-site Consequence Analysis (OCA) which is used to determine the distance to the toxic endpoint in the event of a worst case and alternative case release scenario of the regulated substance the following programs and website may be useful.
Back to CalARP main pageThe RMP needs to be updated at least once every five years from the date of its initial submission. The owner or operator is required to:
- Review all nine sections of the RMP.
- Update the RMP as appropriate.
- Certify that the entire updated RMP is true, accurate, and complete.
- Submit the updated RMP to EMD by the facility’s 5-year update due date.
- 5-Year RMP Updates are subject to the review process described below.
See the October 2012 CalARP Compliance Assistance Bulletin for information about requirements that must be met when a facility undergoes a covered process modification or major change.
Upon submission of an RMP (new RMP or 5-Year RMP Update), and after the initial review (referred to as a completeness check) of the RMP, EMD notifies the facility if any deficiencies are present. The facility has 60 days to respond and correct the deficiencies. Once the deficiencies are corrected, EMD issues an acceptance letter and posts a public notice on our website indicating that the RMP is complete. Once posted, EMD will make the RMP available at our office for public review and comment for 45 days. EMD will conduct a final review (referred to as an evaluation review) of the RMP in which public comments are considered and the facility may be required to make technical revisions to the RMP.
Guidance for CalARP Program Seismic Assessments Updated January, 2019
“The objective of a California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) Program seismic assessment is to provide reasonable assurance that a release of Regulated Substances (RS) as listed in California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 19 Division 2 Chapter 4.5 (reference # 1) having off-site consequences would not occur as a result of an earthquake. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance regarding acceptable criteria to be used in such assessments. The guidance provided is applicable to structural systems and components whose failure would result in the release of sufficient quantities of RS to be of concern.”
- General Guidance on Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accident Prevention (40 CFR Part 68)
This document provides guidance to help owners and operators of facilities that manufacture, use, store, or otherwise handle certain extremely hazardous chemicals to determine if they are subject to EPA’s Chemical Accident Prevention regulations at 40 CFR part 68 and, if so, to comply with those regulations.”
California Code of Regulations Title 19, Division 2, Chapter 4.5
This is the regulatory document that contains: - The list of regulated substances and thresholds,
- The requirements for owners and operators of stationary sources concerning the prevention of accidental releases,
- The accidental release prevention programs approved under Section 112 (r) of the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and mandated under the CalARP program, and
- How the CalARP Program relates to the state’s Unified Program
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This form must be completed in order to review a RMP on file with Sacramento County EMD.
- Completeness Checklist Updated November 14, 2014
Cal-ARP Completeness Check
Pursuant to Section 2745.2(a)(1) of California Code of Regulations, Title 19 (CCR Title 19), the Risk Management Plan (RMP) completeness review shall be determined in accordance to sections 2745.3 through 2745.9 (RMP Executive Summary, RMP Off-site Consequence Analysis, RMP Five-Year Accident History, RMP Program 2 Prevention Program, Program 3 Prevention Program, RMP Emergency Response Program and the RMP Certification). If incomplete, Sacramento County Environmental Compliance Division shall notify the owner/operator of any deficiencies in writing pursuant to Section 2745.2(a)(3). - Evaluation Review Checklist
Cal-ARP 5-Year Evaluation Review Checklist
Pursuant to Section 2745.2(a)(5) of CCR Title 19, the RMP evaluation review shall consider standard application of engineering and scientific principles, site specific characteristics, technical accuracy, severity of off-site consequences, and other information in the possession of or reviewed by EMD.
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For More Information
For more CalARP program information, visit California Accidental Release Prevention (CalARP) or contact:
Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Compliance Division
11080 White Rock Rd., Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
916-875-8513 (fax)