Free Food Safety Education Class 2025
Operating a food facility can be exciting, but do you know the final cooking temperature of pork, how to calibrate a probe thermometer, proper concentration of sanitizer for warewashing or what active managerial control is? If not, we can provide you food safety knowledge through our FREE Food Safety Education Class. The class is taught by staff of the Environmental Health Division. This class covers the basic principles of food safety, time/temperature control, employee personal hygiene, food contamination and food sanitation. We hope this class helps you on your journey to being food safety successful. For more information: Free Food Safety Class 2025.
Free in-person NES classes hosted by EMD
Environmental Management is looking forward to hosting NES to provide classes in Hazardous Waste Management, Advanced Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous Materials Business Plan/CERS, UST Owner/Operator, APSA/SPCC Plan, and Universal Waste.
Free Food Vending Cart Workshop 2024
Wondering how to get started as a food vending cart operator? Environmental Health will be hosting free workshops that cover 3 easy steps to operate a food vending cart. For more information:
Food Vending Cart Workshop

Food Best-by Date vs Use-by Date Guide
Learn how to check and extend food shelf life. For more details: Food Best-by Date Guide.
SB1383 Edible Food Recovery Tier 2
California Senate Bill 1383 is a statewide law which aims to protect our environment and strengthen our communities by preventing surplus, edible food from being needlessly tossed into landfills by redirecting that food to those in need. If you own or operate a hotel, state agency cafeteria, health care facility, school, larve venue or event, please visit the Edible Food Recovery webpage. SB1383 Tier 2
Edible Food Hierarchy 
Vending Machines
If you own, operate or service vending machines with perishable foods, please view the Vending Machine PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint presentation has information on the application process, food safety information, equipment requirements and commissary information. For more information: Vending Machine.
New Spanish Retail Food Inspection Guide
The Sacramento County Environmental Management Department's Retail Food Program is pleased to present you with the Spanish Retail Food Inspection Guide. This guide provides easy to read summaries of California Retail Food Code sections, as well as examples of common violations. This guide will help you prepare for and succeed in future inspections.
Retail Food Inspection Guide - Spanish Retail Food Inspection Guide - English
Gulf Oyster Seasonal Restriction in California Has Begun
The raw Gulf oyster seasonal restriction in California has begun from April 1 through October 31, unless the oysters are treated with a scientifically validated process to reduce the level of vibrio vulnificus.
Untreated Gulf oysters received during this harvest period are considered adulterated and shall not be sold or served raw to consumers. Gulf oysters are from states bordering the Gulf of Mexico: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
For more information on the restriction, visit CA Department of Public Health Gulf Oyster Regulation Summary and
Notice to Retailers Regarding Gulf Oysters (English) /
Aviso para Minoristas Sobre Ostras Crudas del Golfo (Spanish).
Pool and Spa Information 2024
If you own, operate, manage or service swimming pools or spas at public, commercial or multi-family residential pool or spa in Sacramento County, please visit Pools and Spas. You will learn about regulations that apply to fencing/gates, signage, chemistry, records/daily logs, recirculation equipment, SVRS, suction covers and more.
Free Pool and Spa Minor Remodel Plan Review Submittal Guidance Workshop 2024
Environmental Health will be hosting free workshops for all pool contractors and pool operators on guidance for submitting a Minor Remodel Recreational Health plan to Environmental Management Department's Plan Review for equipment changes, replastering, plumbing modifications and drain cover changes/replacements. For more details:
Pool and Spa Minor Remodel Plan Review Submittal Guidance.
New Minor Remodel Form
Use this form to submit a minor remodel recreational health plan to EMD's Plan Review department.
Minor Remodel Form
New MyHD Portal
You can now view the status of Plan Review projects on MyHD Portal. Use Show Details feature to track the status of the project as it gets completed.
MyHD Portal See PDF for information:
MyHD flyer
Free Operating a Temporary Food Facility Workshop 2024
Temporary Food Facilities (TFF) or food booths are food operations that operator at approved public events. A health permit is required to operate a TFF whenever food or beverages is sampled, sold, prepared, or given away to the public. Environmental Health will be hosting free workshops. Topics will include the application process, food booth set-up requirements, time/temperature control, personal hygiene, food contamination and food sanitation. For more details:Temporary Food Facility Workshop 2024
Electronic Plan Submittal
Environmental Health Plan Review now accepts electronic plan submittals for food, mobile food and pool plan check. Electronic plan submittal is not mandatory and is offered as a convenience.
Please review the instructions on how to submit an Electronic Plan Submittal and set up a SacCounty Drive account, and other frequently asked questions.
Pool and Spa Newsletter 2024
This year's newsletter covers
Important NEW updates
Free pool/spa workshops
Pool/spa chemistry requirements
Keep your pool safe and open for use
Suction cover information
... and more!!
Grill it Safe
Hot weather is perfect for picnics and barbecue, but warm temperatures also cause a spike in foodborne illnesses. Nothing kills a good time like potato salad that's gone bad. Find out how to protect yourself the next time you host an outdoor cookout. See PDF for tips to grill safely:
Grill it Safe,
Grill it Safe (Spanish)
Non-Profit Charitable Feeding Operations
Guidance is now available regarding registration requirements for non profit charitable feeding operations.
Non Profit Charitable Feeding Operations
AB 626 - Microenterprise Home Kitchen Operations
Assembly Bill No. 626- Microenterprise home kitchen operations became effective January 1, 2019. This bill amends state law, the California Retail Food Code, and establishes a “microenterprise home kitchen operation” (MEHKO) as a new type of retail food facility. A MEHKO is operated from a private home and would allow a home chef to store, handle, prepare, and serve food to consumers.
The law allowing MEHKOs only becomes effective if the City or County “opts in”. The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors is expected to consider whether or not Sacramento County will “opt in”.
At this time Sacramento County EMD is not be able to issue permits for MEHKOs. To be placed on an email list for MEHKO updates, please call (916) 875-8440 or e-mail
Donating Surplus Food
Donating surplus food from restaurants and other food facilities can be a sustainable and simple way to help local non-profit and charitable organizations serve those in need in our community. More Information can be found on our
Food Donations Page.
Making changes to Your Food Facility? New video explains EMD requirements.
Are you making changes to your food facility? Make sure your changes meet EMD requirements before you start. If you are adding new equipment, service areas (e.g. bar) or making menu changes, check with EMD first. This
video explains what types of changes may require plan review and how to get it approved.
EMD Makes a New Hazardous Materials Spill Reporting Video Available
quick 2 minute video update explains when and how to report a hazardous materials spill.
Charitable Foodservice for the Homeless
As many in the community seek to participate in efforts aimed at assisting those experiencing homelessness, the Sacramento County Environmental Management Department often receives inquiries regarding charitable foodservice for the homeless. Visit the
Charitable Food Distribution page for more information.
Be Storm Ready
If you are prone to flooding during major storms - don't wait to get sandbags and other flood protection supplies. For more information Go to for more sandbag information and
watch this short video.
Addressing Potential Hazmat Emergencies
The Environmental Management Department (EMD) completed its CalOES grant- funded Area Plan Update for Emergency Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents in Sacramento County. Hazardous material emergencies may be the result of threatened releases, highway accidents, clandestine drug laboratories, train derailments, pipeline transportation accidents, fire, and/ or spills at fixed facilities or even disasters. The Area Plan, a collaborative effort with a wide range of area stakeholders, describes the responsibilities of local, state, and federal agencies during incidents involving the release and/ or threatened release of hazardous materials in Sacramento County. To learn more, go to the
Incident Response Program page.