Hazardous Waste Management Details

Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG)

CESQG: All hazardous waste must be disposed of within 180 days of accumulating 27 gallons/100kg.

CESQG is defined as generating less than 100 kg waste per month (generally <27 gallons per month.)

Small Quantity Generator (SQG)

SQG: All hazardous waste must be disposed of within 180 days from first day of accumulation.

SQG is defined as generating more than 100 kg and less than 1,000 kg of waste per month (generally 27 gallons or more up to 270 gallons per month.)

Large Quantity Generator (LQG)

LQG: All hazardous waste must be disposed of within 90 days from first day of accumulation. (Note: If your facility falls into a LQG category and you have hazardous waste tanks, you must complete a hazardous waste tank assessment per Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations. Sacramento County EMD does not honor the exemption for used oil and waste antifreeze tanks.)

LQG is defined as generating 1000 kg or more waste per month (generally 270 gallons or greater per month.)

Additional information on hazardous waste disposal and management is available from Department of Toxic Substances Control at www.dtsc.ca.gov.

For more Hazardous Waste Management program information, please contact:

Sacramento County Environmental Management Department
Environmental Compliance Division
11080 White Rock Rd., Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

916-875-8513 (fax)

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