COVID 19 Environmental Compliance

Sacramento County Environmental Compliance Division (EC) is dedicated to providing regulated businesses in Sacramento County with the information, resources, and guidance needed to operate safely and in compliance with state and local requirements.

 The State Public Health Order of June 11, 2021 is now in effect. California is moving Beyond the Blueprint to safely and fully reopen the economy. Industry and business sectors previously listed in the Blueprint Activities and Business Tiers Chart may return to usual operations. Review the State COVID-19 website and the Beyond the Blueprint for Industry and Business Sectors webpage for more information.

 ​EC will continue to comply with Public Health Orders and take the necessary precautions to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure and transmission to its staff and the public during field inspections. These precautions include staff training, assessing staff for symptoms, and providing staff with personal protective equipment.​

Staff will respond to 3-1-1 complaints, hazardous materials and waste spills. To report a violation or complaint, dial 3-1-1 or file a rep​ort online​.​​

Facilities will be contacted by the district specialist to schedule an inspection. Due to the impacts from COVID-19, businesses may be unable to dispose of hazardous waste within the allowed accumulation timeframes.

Staff will analyze water sample test result data for presence of acute contamination and respond to water infrastructure complaints. Staff will continue to inspect water systems to ensure water quality and safe infrastructure. To report a violation or complaint: dial 3-1-1 or file a report online.

For other small public drinking water system inquiries, email:​

Staff will respond to water well complaints, and inspect sanitary seal placement for new wells and destruction of old wells. To report a violation or complaint: dial 3-1-1 or file a report online.

For inquiries regarding drinking water wells, email

​To request a water well construction or destruction inspection, call (916) 875-85​24

Staff will respond to onsite wastewater treatment infrastructure and surfacing sewage complaints, as well as inspect septage hauling vehicles (pumper truck inspections). To report a violation or complaint: dial 3-1-1 or file a report ​online 

For inquiries regarding septic systems, email:​ ​ 

To request a septic system inspection, plot plan approval, or building permit hold release, call (916) 875-1500.

Staff will respond to solid waste related complaints and analyze methane gas monitoring data to ensure below explosive levels. To report a violation or complaint: dial 3-1-1 or file a report onl​ine.
